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Ministry | Motivation | Encouragement | Purpose

Jesus Chick Ministries is a healing ministry for women, girls and youth experiencing brokenness, confusion and rejection.  


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Pray is simply a conversation between us and God. Jesus Chick Ministries submits prayers in the name of Jesus covering all matters great and small. No other name is erected, worshipped or uttered. Jesus is the son of God. We cannot access the Father without the son. Prayers are live and/or pre-recorded.


Jesus Chick Ministries partners with faith-based entities who share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Partnerships are formed to increase the visibility of the message of Jesus Christ. Stay tuned for features of our partners and their ministries.

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Jesus Chick Ministries encourages others to acknowledge and activate their God given purpose. God gives everyone an assignment. The road to and through that assignment may not be easy. Jesus Chick Ministries is here to support you and others like you through it.

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The greatest part of serving God is worship. In worship God's voice can be heard, His will can be understood and His presence can be felt. Stay tuned for worship opportunities, events and programs.

Upcoming Events

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